
Published on July 24th, 2015 | by Janine Giorgenti


4 Easy Steps to Removing Lipstick Stains

Not That You’ll Need To. By Janine Giorgenti It happens. Getting a lipstick stain on your shirt or collar – at some point – is not only inevitable, but, some men consider it a rite of

passage. Whether the stain proves embarrassing, or, provides a moment of unintended humor – the objective is to remove the stain.

Here are four steps to removing lipstick stains from your shirt or collar.


Dip a soft, white cloth in denatured alcohol and lightly apply to the stained area.


Gently rub dishwashing detergent (yes, trust me) into the stained area with your finger.

An alternate to dishwashing detergent is hairspray!


If the stain is resistant, use a good stain stick to pre-treat the affected area before washing.


Wash the shirt as usual. I suggest air drying the shirt, as to not let the stain settle in. This will also help if – afterwards – you decide to take the shirt to a dry cleaner (if the stain does not completely come out).

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About the Author

Janine Giorgenti

For over 25 years, Janine Giorgenti, renowned fashion designer and image consultant – has provided a long line of satisfied clients with unparalleled service and first class made-to-measure custom suits. Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Vogue Magazine, The New York Times, CNN, Fox News, CBS, and other top media outlets – Janine has established a clientele of some of New York’s most successful and discerning professionals – including such New York dignitaries as former New York Islanders legend Bobby Nystrom and chief economist Dr. Irwin Kellner.

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4 Easy Steps to Removing Lipstick Stains

by Janine Giorgenti