Published on October 3rd, 2017 | by Janine Giorgenti
04 Steps to Getting Your Wardrobe Ready for the Fall and Winter
Welcome, October!
By Janine Giorgenti
Wait, it’s October already?
Yes, despite the 75-degree weather and bright sunny days, the chills of November are right around the corner!
What does this mean? Simple, it is time for you to evaluate your wardrobe and determine what changes need to be made, and ultimately what additions will spruce up your collection as we head into cooler climates.
Not sure where to start?
Here are (4) steps to consider as you get your Fall/Winter wardrobe in order:
1. Donate
If you have clothing that you haven’t worn in two years, chances are you will not be wearing it this year either. That sweater that you received on your birthday that you “absolutely love” (wink wink) may benefit someone less fortunate, instead of collecting dust particles in the corner of your closet.
There are plenty of organizations (we generally encourage local chapters) that work hard to put clothes in the hands of those who need it most.
2. Take Inventory
Does your current collection suit you? There are different factors to take into consideration when assessing your wardrobe. Your clothes should facilitate a ‘certain look’ that is functional for the various phases of your life; be it work, your preferred social settings, casual and weekend wear, etc.
3. Organize and Categorize
This step actually ties in with the second step. By simply organizing your wardrobe, you will be able to gain a quick overview of what you own and make more informed wardrobe decisions.
4. Assess and Re-Assess
By constantly monitoring what you are wearing, you gain a better understanding of what exactly works best for you and what types and styles of clothes may not suit you.
Weigh the ‘functionality’ of your clothes in conjunction with other items in your wardrobe. For instance, does that beautiful new blazer – in your collection – go with any shirts that you own? If not, perhaps it is time to invest in shirts that complement that blazer to give you a complete look!
Need help with your Fall and Winter wardrobe?
Book your fitting with Janine Giorgenti at Giorgenti New York’s new Garden City location!
Call (516) 200-4088 (office) or (646) 957-6916 (cell).
The Garden City showroom is located at:
1325 Franklin Avenue
Suite 255
Garden City, NY 11530