Published on June 12th, 2017 | by Janine Giorgenti
05 Ways to Protect Your Suits from Moths
Keep Your Closet Moth Free. Naturally.
By Janine Giorgenti
With the hot Summer weather settling in, many of you will start to transition from suit ensembles – worn during the winter – to more casual workplace attire. One of the primary concerns of storing a suit, in a closet, for an extended period of time is that the suit may become snack fodder for moths.
These pests breed – heavily – during the warmer climates; so it’s high time to discuss ways to help your suits intact!
Use black pepper.
That’s right! Black pepper is a deterrent to moths (and other household insects). Lightly sprinkle finely crushed ground pepper on the fabric, or, keep small pockets (wrapped in paper) near the suits.
Use cedar blocks.
I generally recommend my clients purchase a cedar block hanger. Cedar acts as a major repellent to moths, and, a cedar block hanger allows you to keep the repelling force among the suits you seek to protect.
Use lavender oil.
Lavender oil has a surprising number of usages around the house, and, keeping moths away from your clothes is one of them. I am a believer in natural solutions, and, lavender oil fits this bill. There are a couple of different options in this scenario; you can lightly dampen your suits with warm water and then lightly apply the lavender oil to the fabrics using a duster, or, a more sophisticated approach is to use a few drops of lavender oil in the softener compartment of your washing machine (or in the final rinse while hand washing).
Keep it clean.
From our friends at
The best way to deal with an infestation, the experts say, is to dry clean anything made of wool or animal fibers and wash everything else in your washing machine’s hot wash cycle. Then, vacuum the floor, the bottoms and tops of the shelves, and even the ceiling to remove any remaining eggs and hungry larvae.