Published on April 5th, 2016 | by Janine Giorgenti
0A Parent’s Guide to what a Student should Wear for a Job Interview.
College Graduation is right around the corner.
By Janine Giorgenti
You have invested years of hard work, sweat, and tears into your child’s education. Did I mention the tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars?
The fruits of your labor (and wallet) are about to pay off. Soon, your child will be interviewing with companies in search of that coveted first job.
Have you paid as much attention to his/her wardrobe for the job interview? Probably not.
The reality is; most college grads are woefully underprepared with proper interviewing dress attire. They mistakenly think they can “get by” with what is already in their closet. Wrong! Remember, there is a lot of competition out there. Students today are not just competing against other students, but against more experienced candidates who are already in the job market. Sure your kid graduated from a prestigious university and may have even received outstanding grades, but remember, visual communication is the most powerful marketing tool and your graduate will be judged on his/her appearance and attire. This is NOT the time to skimp.
With very few exceptions (such as some creative ad agencies or tech companies), most companies follow conservative standards for business attire (even if their internal dress code is business casual). Word to the wise, don’t buck the trend.
So what will give your young job candidate the advantage?
Tips for Men and Women
- Grey or navy conservative yet stylish two-piece business suit
- Long-sleeved shirt/blouse (white is best, pastel is next best)
- Clean, polished formal dress shoes
- Well-groomed hairstyle
- Trimmed, clean fingernails
- Minimal cologne or perfume
- Simple computer case or portfolio case
- No visible body piercing (nose rings, eyebrow rings, etc.) or tattoos
Tips for Men
- Necktie: should be a tasteful silk tie with a simple pattern
- Formal leather shoes (black or brown lace-ups are best)
- Contemporary sports coat and dress slacks for casual interviews
- Socks should be a shade darker than the pants, or matching the shoes
- Clean shaved or neat, stylish and well-groomed facial hair (no unkempt “scruff”)
- No Mohawks or overly trendy haircuts
- No rings other than wedding ring or college ring
- No earrings
Tips for Women
- Jacket with a skirt or pants and a blouse
- Dress, with a complimentary jacket
- Leather closed toe shoes, with a conservative heel
- Near skin tone hosiery (and no runs!)
- Tasteful handbag, portfolio or computer case
- Neutral color nail polish
- Keep your makeup simple and natural (don’t over do it)
- No more than one ring on each hand
- One set of earrings only
Tell your young college grad to remember to look confident, bring a smile, and of course, a polished resume. Good luck!
Get your young job candidate interview ready!
Call Janine Giorgenti at (646) 957-6916 to schedule your son or daughter’s fitting.