Published on March 30th, 2017 | by Janine Giorgenti
0Break Out of your Comfort Zone! Go Bold! Here’s How.
Time To Go Bold!
By Janine Giorgenti
This may be one of the most important dressing tips we ever send!
Simple, this dressing tip covers all of the things that you’re either afraid of, think you won’t look good in, or think it’s “too much.”
If you’re spending the money to look good and elevate your profile, you need to escape the “comfort zone” that so many of us establish for ourselves.
Go bold! Bold patterns may intimidate some, but they can actually prove to be your biggest ally in the mission to “make your mark” with your choice of clothing (in business and casual settings).
If you’re a sports fan, you will notice that many sportscasters will wear bold patterns. The reason? A sportscaster, during the course of a broadcast, is barely actually on-camera – so when they are on, they want to make those few seconds as impactful as possible.
Patterns such as bold windowpanes or colorful Italian plaid patterns can completely set you apart from your contemporaries and visually elevate your social status. These bold patterns are the absolute sign of fashion savvy and modernism, showing you’re in tune with the times.
Bottom line?
Bold patterns will get you noticed, draw compliments, and elevate you to the ranks of the sharpest dressers in your circle.