
Published on August 10th, 2015 | by Janine Giorgenti


Do Shirt Collars Shrink?

A problem that affects most men.

By Janine Giorgenti

Just like in the hilarious Seinfeld on “Shrinkage” (Season 5 episode 25), when George’s was distressed over his after pool exposure.


Shirts when exposed to water, (washed and dried), experience “significant shrinkage”.


Usually shirt collars will shrink from 1/2 to 3/4 inch. Therefore, when you buy dress shirts, you have to apply the shrinkage factor and go one neck size up.


When I measure my clients for custom made shirts, I measure for one finger ease, plus add an additional 1/2″ for shrinkage.

It usually takes about 4-6 washings for a shirt collar to fully shrink.

Beautiful custom made dress shirts. With Giorgenti, custom means custom!


Schedule a private fitting appointment with Janine Giorgenti.

Call (646) 957-6916.
The Garden City showroom is located at:
1325 Franklin Avenue
Suite 255
Garden City, NY 11530


About the Author

Janine Giorgenti

For over 25 years, Janine Giorgenti, renowned fashion designer and image consultant – has provided a long line of satisfied clients with unparalleled service and first class made-to-measure custom suits. Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Vogue Magazine, The New York Times, CNN, Fox News, CBS, and other top media outlets – Janine has established a clientele of some of New York’s most successful and discerning professionals – including such New York dignitaries as former New York Islanders legend Bobby Nystrom and chief economist Dr. Irwin Kellner.

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Do Shirt Collars Shrink?

by Janine Giorgenti