Published on August 10th, 2015 | by Janine Giorgenti
0Do Shirt Collars Shrink?
A problem that affects most men.
By Janine Giorgenti
Just like in the hilarious Seinfeld on “Shrinkage” (Season 5 episode 25), when George’s was distressed over his after pool exposure.
Shirts when exposed to water, (washed and dried), experience “significant shrinkage”.
Usually shirt collars will shrink from 1/2 to 3/4 inch. Therefore, when you buy dress shirts, you have to apply the shrinkage factor and go one neck size up.
When I measure my clients for custom made shirts, I measure for one finger ease, plus add an additional 1/2″ for shrinkage.
It usually takes about 4-6 washings for a shirt collar to fully shrink.
Beautiful custom made dress shirts. With Giorgenti, custom means custom!
Schedule a private fitting appointment with Janine Giorgenti.
Suite 255
Garden City, NY 11530