Published on September 15th, 2020 | by Janine Giorgenti
0Fall Is COMING, And THESE Are What You SHOULD Be Wearing! By GIORGENTI!
Because It’s Gonna Be Cold Outside REALLY Soon!
The temperature outside is finally beginning to drop a bit, which means that the Fall season is among us! With Fall beginning next Tuesday, it’s about time we all start thinking about what our new Fall wardrobe is going to entail. Now, as custom clothing takes on usual about 4-6 weeks to craft, the time is NOW to start thinking about placing your Fall Overcoat orders, or that Tweed Suit or Sportcoat you really need for the cold season. This way, your garments will come just in the nick of time for it to really start getting cold outside!
Earthtone colors have proven to be a Fall Favorite amongst the fashion world and the business professional world. These tones deliver a very elegant and classic feel that really captures the essence of the Fall season!We have sport coats, pants, and shirts all available in these colors, such as Browns, Chocolates, Tans, Olive Greens, and dark rich burgundies.
Now, let’s begin this outfit by saying A SUIT IS NOT JUST A SUIT, but a culmination of three pieces that can be worn either together or separately. For example, the emerald Green plaid sportcoat above is actually the jacket from a rather handsome three piece suit! However, here we have paired it with black jeans and a merino woolen navy turtleneck. You would never guess this sportcoat is actually a part from a suit!
Our Overcoats are meticulously crafted with heavy detail, which is what makes our Cashmere and our Woolen Overcoats so fine, plush, and luxurious. Whether we make you a lightweight Fall Coat or a heavy Cashmere Winter coat as seen above, these coats take about 6 weeks to make. So if you need a new lighter Fall Overcoat or heavy Winter Overcoat this year, we’re reaching the deadline for you to get yours in time for the holiday season!