Published on August 31st, 2019 | by Janine Giorgenti
0What To Wear For The Transitional Weather Season!
The Transitional Season Is Coming Back!
As we start to move into the September season, this means everyone’s going back to work, school is in session again, campuses will be full once again, but it also means that the moderately chillier weather is upon us! This is the perfect time for light layers, and experimentation with colors. Lighter-weight flannels and cotton raincoats are a staple here, and textured sport coats have always been a fan favorite here. Jewel tones and neutral colors continue to dominate the trends, such as Emerald Greens, Tans, Chocolate Browns, Amethyst Purples, and so on. Take a look at some of our curated favorites for some inspiration this coming season!
Lightweight Grey with Yellow/Charcoal Plaid Flannel Overcoat
Muted Green Sport Coat and Tan Pants
Unconstructed Red & Charcoal Gingham Check Sportcoat
Double Breasted Flannel Grey with Charcoal Glen-plaid Suit
Flannel Brown with Tan Windowpane Suit