Published on July 24th, 2015 | by Janine Giorgenti
0Why You Need a Sport Coat
Business Casual. Enhanced. By Janine Giorgenti Many times, the most overlooked item in a businessman’s wardrobe is the versatile and image-enhancing Sport Coat or Blazer. For professionals who want to dress casual, but still keep the ‘upper
hand’, the sport coat is a subtle symbol of power.
By wearing a simple shirt and pants combination, you may be perceived as anyone on the organizational chart, from intern to entry-level, but the man who upgrades his image with a sport coat will have the visual edge.
In an era where presentation and image holds a greater premium, it is important to utilize the necessary resources to establish your personal “brand”, interaction to interaction.
Consider a sport coat as a very powerful “branding tool” at your disposal.
Need a beautiful new sport coat or blazer? Giorgenti New York features a great selection, in a wide variety of colors and styles.
Schedule an appointment with Janine Giorgenti. Call (646) 957-6916 – or click below.
Have any questions? Call us at (646) 957-6916 or leave us a note below.
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