
Published on July 24th, 2015 | by Janine Giorgenti


Your Beautiful Watch Deserves a Beautiful – Custom – Dress Shirt

Why hide a good thing? By Janine Giorgenti No one needs a watch any more. If we really need to check the time, we can refer to those devices surgically transplanted on our hands, otherwise known

as smart phones.

If someone wears a watch today it’s because of status.

A time piece tells a lot about a person. With store bought shirts, the right and left cuff are the same size, so the cuff gets stuck on the watch because that size is bigger than the wrist without the watch. Further, the cuff can fray as it constantly rubs and gets stuck on the watch.

The best choice if you are displaying a status time piece, is to have the circumference of the wrist you are wearing the cuff larger than the wrist (without the watch).

Don’t resort to wearing your watch over your sleeve!

When I make custom made shirts, I measure the wrist over the watch to accommodate for this. This is the hallmark of a true custom shirt.

Complement your coveted time piece with a beautiful custom Giorgenti dress shirt. When you purchase three shirts, the fourth is a gift from us. 

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About the Author

Janine Giorgenti

For over 25 years, Janine Giorgenti, renowned fashion designer and image consultant – has provided a long line of satisfied clients with unparalleled service and first class made-to-measure custom suits. Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Vogue Magazine, The New York Times, CNN, Fox News, CBS, and other top media outlets – Janine has established a clientele of some of New York’s most successful and discerning professionals – including such New York dignitaries as former New York Islanders legend Bobby Nystrom and chief economist Dr. Irwin Kellner.

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Your Beautiful Watch Deserves a Beautiful – Custom – Dress Shirt

by Janine Giorgenti